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Checkmate Foundation

Empowering the next generation of strategic thinkers and gamers through blockchain games that blend tradition with innovation.

Powered by $C.


What is the Checkmate Foundation?

The Checkmate Foundation is a foundation dedicated to cultivating a global movement of strategic and competitive minds through next-generation, community-owned games that challenge, inspire, and promote intellectual growth.
What is the Checkmate ecosystem?

The Checkmate ecosystem supports the mission of the Checkmate Foundation to empower strategic thinkers and gamers through blockchain games that blend tradition with innovation. It encompasses a wide range of game genres, such as classic board games, chess variations, trading card games, and hyper-casual strategy games. The ecosystem aims to attract players, content creators, launch partners, and token holders to fuel its growth flywheel through onboarding some of the most classic strategy games to this next evolution of Web3 gaming.
What is the $C Token?

$C is the native currency of the Checkmate ecosystem. The $C token will have various utilities within the ecosystem, including supporting in-game economies, purchasing in-game assets, and participating in governance activities.
Who are the initial Launch Partners?

Anichess, a Web3 gaming project developed in collaboration between Animoca Brands and, will be one of the initial launch partners of the Checkmate ecosystem and adopter of $C token. The project aims to bring new energy and innovation to one of the world’s oldest and most widely played games, modernizing and tokenizing it to take advantage of opportunities presented by blockchain technology.